Does cancer in yo

There are many conditions that can cause a severe sore throat including strep throat. Cancer of the throat can cause the throat to feel sore. When you have a persistent sore throat consult a physician.

Can you feel the lump from cancer on your stomach?
NO! like really

What is the name of the cancer that lady gaga has?
It's not really a cancer, iqos heets cesitleri and she doesn't feel like she has it, but it's called Lupus

What cancers are caused by smoking?
things like lung cancer and throat cancer

Can you feel cancer?
Well, you can feel cancer starting to take your life. you feel like being shut down, because every organ and iqos fiyat system slowly weakens! So, there really isn't any pain, but you can feel the effect the illness has on u!

If you have a sore throat should you go to school?
It really depends. If you feel it might be more than a sore throat, go to the doctor to get a strep test. If you have strep, you have to be out 24 hours on antibiotics. Like I said, it really just depends on how your feeling.

Is it true that the person who plays spongebob has throat cancer?
Nope, he is alive and well, people said he got throat cancer from doing the sponge-bob laugh, which is like saying guitarists get cancer in their fingers

Why is it when you have a sore throat you get tiny cuts on your tongue?
This is only a sensation, you do not actually get tiny cuts in your throat. The soreness you feel from the sore throat can feel like tiny cuts but it is only an irritation of the throat.

Does chester bennington have cancer at his throat?
No, Chester does not have cancer in his throat. It just sounds like that because he does a lot of screaming like in the song, Faint. (Either that or he just doesn't know how to use his voice the proper way.);

What are the negative impacts of smoking?
Lung cancer, throat cancer, yellow teeth, smell like smoke

What sickness makes you feel like your throat is scratched and when you talk or swallow it feels like a ball is in your throat?
swelling of toncil

I breathed in a huge puff of smoke after accidentally burning a plastic pot in the microwave and I feel like MY throat is really clogged is this really dangerous?
Yeah you might die if you don't see a doctor!

You feel like something is in your throat but there is not?
i have the same exact problem i feel like there is something like a piece of food or like a popcorn kernel but nothing is there i went to the doctor and they said that it could be allergies or it could just be dry throat.

Does strep throat feel like the flu?
No when you have strep throat your throat is sore and when you have the flu your stomach hurts because you keep throwing up.

What does throat cancer look like?
Throat cancers can happen anywhere in the mouth, throat, and voice box. It's appearance is such that it clearly looks like something is wrong. It looks very red, irritated, discolored, and diseased.

What does it mean when your throat has a tingly feeling like a soar throat?
If you feel fine its proably just a scratch or something in the back throat. If you dont feel to well then you have strep throght. If you have strep see a doctor immedially

Does ne-yo have cancer?
yeah, real bad. He's a gonna. I am really sad and don't feel like dancing anymore

Feel like something is stuck in your throat?
Go to the doctor.

Is Celine Dion husband dead?
Yes he died of throat cancer. The person who responded to you is not only wrong but also very cheeky for saying he died of throat cancer. If you are refering to Rene Angelil, no he did not die. He had throat cancer but he recovered. Look for information on google, it seems sometimes people like to play hard jokes that can misslead others...

What to do when your feel like you have something in your throat?
A person feels quite bad when something stuck in the throat. It leads to vomiting as well.

What does it mean to have a tickle in the throat and cough?
I have that just now it's extremely annoying! My throat tickles when I breathe in and it makes me cough. It could just be a cold or something more serious like throat cancer.

What causes tongue to feel like it's burning and back of throat?
what would cause your tongue and back of throat to have a burning sensation

Conclusion on smoking?
Smoking causes lung cancer and other types of cancer like throat cancer. The tar products that are used to process cigarettes are worse than the tobacco itself.

Why do you feel like vomiting after drinking cold water?
cold water sometimes makes you feel like you are going to vomit because it tickles your throat and it makes you gag and then you feel like you are going to vomit.

How does cancer make your body feel?
Like it is dying.

Why is your nose stuffy after using cocaine and throat feel like it is closing up?
i would use a quarter ounce of cocaine a day for two years, it makes your throat feel that way because when you snort it it also travels down into your throat which is a very sensitive membraine and the cocaine and cut that is in it really irritate it and can and will start to eat away at your throat i kicked the crap cold turkey i hope you do the same it just...

You have been having pain in the back and front of your neck and causing your throat to feel like is swelling and has a very thick feeling like a knot in your throat?
Swine Flu.. GO TO THE DOCTOR!!

What kind of disease you got if you got chest pain cough really hard and feel like your throat closing up?
Sounds like a bad case of bronchitis or possibly walking pneumonia. I'd go to a doctor as soon as possible.

How common are suicidal side effects from taking Strattera?
You feel like gouging your throat out.

If air pollution kills us how will it?
It will give us Cancer and Cancer kills. pollution makes us choke to death when we have an allergic reaction and our throat swells. Many illnesses like Asama, chronic respiratory disease and cancer can be so bad, or like Cancer, have no cure so that kills us.

What if you don't inhale cigars?
Then you're smoking a cigar like you should be. However, the health risks are lung and throat cancer.

How do cats miaow?
cats have a voice box, just like we do. They feel a rumble in the back of their throat and it comes out, a it like a hum.

What is it when you feel you have something in your throat?
It means: 1: You DO have something in your throat or 2. The spot in your throat that causes your cough reflex is being tickled. Generally this is being done by a pathogen that your body is trying to expel (like when you have a cold)

What is soficus cancer?
You may have misheard what was said to you and probably mean the esophagus. The esophagus is the "food tube" leading from the throat to the stomach, and like any other tissue in the body, it can be susceptible to cancer.

Is Frankie Beverly sick at this time?
It seems when he mentioned that his cat had bladder cancer it was misconstrued that HE had cancer, iqos heets cesitleri he is indeed healthy. Frankie Beverly dispelled the rumor iqos heets cesitleri that he has throat cancer during an interview with NPR's Ed Gordon: One of the things, Ed, is I've had some throat problems; I mean, nothing cancerous or nothing like that, but it psychologically freaks an artist out for a while. I got freaked out, you know, for...

Your throat feels like there is salt in your throat What do you do to make your throat feel better?
I am looking too! So far the best one I have found is gurgling aboust half a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water gurgle but don't swallow makes you feel better for 1/2 hour- 3 hours

How do you feel better without medicine?
it really depends on whats wrong with you but many remedies like herbal tea and healthy eating is good for you if you have a blood clot or a sore throat or a bad kidney but again it matters about what's wrong with you.

Can cancer spread from one person to another?
Cancer is not contagious, so it won't spread from one person to another. However, some cancers, like cervical, liver, and throat cancer, can be caused by viruses that are spread from one person to another.

If you have a feeling in your throat like you might throw up but you're not sick to your stomach just feel in your throat like you might gag could this be acid reflux or something else?
It's possible that it's acid reflux.

What dose clouds feel like?
they feel like water and something really solf

What do alpacas feel like?
Alpacas feel like really fuzzy dogs sort of. You can compare them to a giant teddy bear but they are really soft and furry and they feel warm as well.

What does it mean when a boy french kisses you?
Well basically the guy must really really like you or must be really really gross. I meen is kissing that much enjoyable when all you can feel is his tongue and not his lips. Im just saying if you ever do kiss a boy try a lil more lip action then him trying to reach the back of your throat with his tongue.

17 years old and dont feel like eating at all and feel sick to your stomach also feel like cant breath feel like your esophagus is tight cant swallow and been really tired?
Nausea and tightness in the esophagus could be acid reflux, I would recommend you a doctor. It could also mean that you have asthma, I don't know but my throat burns sometimes and i had lower grade asthma, get your GP to give you a lung test it doesn't take very long.

What does Foot cancer feel like?
I've had foot cancer and its so painful, It was like 2000 knives were being put in my foot and I went to the doctor and he told me I ha 1st degree of fungus and foot cancer..

What does cancer feel like?
Cancer can cause a variety of symptoms and feelings. This includes pain, tiredness, and loss of appetite. Depending on the location and type, cancer can compress nerves.

How do the girls feel if boy press their breast?
They feel in pain. Like, genuine pain, and it can cause cancer, so don't do it.

If one has had skin cancer is one putting oneself at risk by smoking cigars?
Yes it can be possible. If you have already had a type of cancer like lung cancer, gum cancer, skin cancer, and throat cancer, it can be possible to make yourself open to the type of cancer again. It would be best to try to get rid of the addiction to smoking. You can go on google or medical search engines like medline and search would it be dangerous to smoke cigars if you had...

You feel like there's something stuck in my throat and like there's a lump in your stomachWhat can this be?
maybe youre pregmant or you just dont feel well try eating something that will probaly be able to push that out.

What do camels feel like?
camles feel really cut ekinnda like dogs really but lemme tell ya one thing they SUCK !

What does tickling feel like?
Well, it depends. If you ARE ticklish it might feel really strange. But if you're not really ticklish it could feel nice.

What causes s throat to feel like it is closing over and what can you take?
Im not sure why it feels like that but garguling salt water 4 times every half hour and putting a warm wash cloth on your throat always helps

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